Six in a Fishbowl

Just another weblog

VBS week is officially over… June 28, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — monnieleap @ 8:56 pm

Well Lifeway has done it again!  After a week of Vacation Bible School we are just plain bushed!  Outrigger Island was a huge success at our church this week.  We started out with a Luau kickoff on Sunday setting the pace for the following 5 days.  Our high attendance night was 228 (my husband will say 227, but I forgot to add another worker that was coming in late after work every night.  I did go to the office and add him retroactive to the week’s numbers.) 


This year my place of service was in the baby and 1yo room.  That could be because I have a permanent, rapidly growing growth on my arm named Lucas.  Past years I have had the K5 class (WHAT A ZOO!) and then last year I taught the 2nd grade class.  Since we home school and I am our kids teacher all of the time, I try not to teach their classes in bible school.  Because I spent my time in the nursery I didn’t learn all of the songs this year…which also means that I won’t be singing all of the songs for the next year of my life.  I am still singing Rickshaw Rally and Kingdom Caper songs from years ago!


Kids always leave bible school with a handful of crafts, lesson cards to help them remember what they have learned, treats and a t shirt.  (Our 2yo did leave with a serious case of hives in addition to the other items…personally I would have preferred an extra door hanger instead.)  We hope that they leave with so much more than just what they can carry home in a bag.  VBS is the biggest outreach into the community that most churches have during the year.  You will have a hard time getting this many adults to come to a traditional revival every night for a week, but kids will flock to a week of VBS!  Maybe we need to rethink the traditional revival services.  Make a theme complete with decorations, songs, recreation and snack time…call it something creative, but don’t call it a revival because then they won’t come!  Claim it is a “dessert tasting” with “discussion”, “fun” and “games”!  If only adults were so easy to please, so eager to hear the message of Christ and so open to his leading…


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